Since 1993

The Future of Communications

In the last fifty years, humanity has witnessed more advances in its lifestyle than ever before. Thanks to unprecedented developments in communications that was started with the invention of the first transistor. Due to our technological advances, our communications have surged to the point where there is an urgent need for faster devices. With these advances comes a need for more secure communications as well.

SolusComm, with its breakthrough in nano-electronics, will be able to solve both problems. Faster devices and more secure communication. We are a world leader in terahertz transistors and transceivers based on a table-top and facile fabrication technique.

Our technological breakthrough will be critical to self-driving cars, big-data communication and transmission between small devices as well as space technologies where room for equipment is a luxury. Semiconductors companies such as the ones making IC are also ideal partners.

We are in a unique position to deliver the state of the art technology because we are a unique group of experts with a strong background in nanotechnology.

